I love lists. I'm a chronic list maker...there I said it, it's my dirty little secret. I guess that's why I love making New years Resolutions. With the New Year, I feel revived...like I can leave last year behind and start with a clean slate. This past year was jam packed full of joys, disappointments, new beginnings, broekn relationships, mending relationships and working really hard on my goals that I set many years ago. Every year I feel like I get closer and closer those goals I set a long time ago. While some have been checked off the list, I still add more and never feel like I will ever be quite where I want to be, I feel like there is always room to learn, grow and improve. What do I feel like I got done this year? I think the last few months were by far the most productive. I feel like I got more comfortable with being divorced, after being in a relationship it has been weird having my own place after an 18 year relationship. I feel like I have made a lot of progress professionally. The first part of the year started off with me working as a sales rep for a technology company. After my youngest son getting really sick, being hospitalized and my other son being diagnosed with Autism, I decided to make some serious changes this summer. I quit my job and started writing, working on side businesses like ebay and etsy more and built some websites, got into youtube, I also got more into social media marketing and have found love in graphic design. I started new business ventures, I started mommiesfrugalfinds.com with very little help which I am proud to say I now love wordpress! I'm feeling more and more like I computer nerd. I'm getting into video editing, which I love! I also wrote several ebooks. I also went back to school to finish my B.A in marketing and finance, a goal that was put on the back burner after personal issues like divorce and moving. Overall, it was a pretty well rounded year. I do feel like I could have worked harder on building and maintaining relationships though. I think my mind has been so consumed with work that I can't think about anything else. Once I have the foundation built then I can take a step back and well, breathe. Right now my main focus is on social media marketing, affilate marketing, and fine tuning everything I have in place. Here are some goals I have for this year. I hope they inspire you in some way if you are also looking for ways to transition into freelancing or starting your own business venture.
#1 Continue working on building multiple steams of income as well as building passive income streams
#2 Finish degree
#3 Maintain blogs and websites and hire one person to help with that
#4 Write more ebooks on money saving and work at home opportunities
#5 Buy a new car
#6 Go on a real vacation (probably to L.A.again)
#7 Go to Fincon (may or may not happen)
#8 Take on more writing work and blog work
#9 Write an ecourse on building multiple streams of income
#10 Get better at youtube and video editing as well as social media marketing
#11 save more money
#12 Become a better writer and blogger and make more connections within the field.